411 Locals Advertising Agency Las Vegas

411 Locals News is a blog, related to 411 Locals Internet Advertising Agency, Las Vegas. This is a non-official blog with main purpose to post news and comments for the company and from the world of SEO and WEB design.
The content will be generated from 411 Locals employees, volunteers and guests.

понеделник, 4 април 2016 г.

The 5 Ranking Factors Working for Your 2016 SEO

On quarter of 2016 have passed and the rankings you worked so hard for are not moving? But how is that happening when you're creating nice, readable content and generating high-profile links? The key to the answer is that the world of SEO is a place where some factors outweigh others and the end result depends on which strategies should be incorporated in your future campaign. 

So which factors are the most important for the rest of the year? This is one of those loaded questions that would force me to accept a questionable premise merely by answering it. However, I can dignify it with a reply by pointing out the strategies that worked for me so far this year:

1. The post-Mobilegeddon conditions for your site to be mobile-ready. You have three options: responsive design, which serves the same html code on the same URL regardless of the users' device, but can render the display differently, based on the screen size; dynamic serving, which uses the same URL regardless of device, but generates a different version of HTML for different device types based on what the server knows about the user’s browser; separate URLs – it serves different code to each device, and on separate URLs, trying to detect the users’ device and redirect to the appropriate page using HTTP redirects, along with the Vary HTTP header. 

And one more thing: you should apply SEO for the apps on your website.

2. Transferring your website to HTTPS. The whole idea of the “S” in HTTPS is the safety of your URL. Google openly encourages the migration from HTTP to HTTPS by giving a ranking boost to sites going HTTPS.

3. Schema.org. This is the essential markup to put in the code for 2016. Basically, this addition will make the crawling of your website so easy that over time, the markup itself might go to the rankings, as the leading search marketing gurus predict - https://www.seroundtable.com/google-structured-markup-ranking-purposes-20885.html Schema will point out your logo, the testimonials page, your whereabouts and so forth.

4. Actively seeking links to your site. The old tactics still work – writing long pieces of content, publishing them in highly-trusted places, making your content viral. To enhance the initiative, you can invest in tools. For example, the paid features of Majestic SEO will allow you to analyze the links of your competitors. You will be free to choose a similar strategy for your link building. 

5. Bring content creation to a whole new level by becoming an influencer. The proper use of keywords for your posts is the essential part of your content-marketing strategy. You should post and publicize your content on a regular basis. However, you will earn even more credibility if you build your own audience. To ease up the process, you can add a nice tool to your Twitter account. It is called Audiense – the same tool that was previously known as SocialBro. 

It will show you the metrics of your Twitter profile, including the influence you have over your audience. The more people you influence, the more you can convince the search engines that you are a subject-matter expert. 

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