411 Locals Advertising Agency Las Vegas

411 Locals News is a blog, related to 411 Locals Internet Advertising Agency, Las Vegas. This is a non-official blog with main purpose to post news and comments for the company and from the world of SEO and WEB design.
The content will be generated from 411 Locals employees, volunteers and guests.

вторник, 8 март 2016 г.

411 Locals key SEO factors to focus on in 2016

411 Locals key SEO factors to focus on in 2016

  1. 1. 411 Locals Key SEO Factors to Focus on in 2016 Highway to Success
  2. 2. Top 3 SEO factors + Responsive websites optimized for mobile use + Improve how the value of your work is perceived by customers + Easily readable content, concise, and free of fluff
  3. 3. Most Important 5 categories + Keywords for on-page optimization + Keywords for domain optimization + Link-building for on-page optimization + Brand awareness in domain optimization + Domain authority
  4. 4. Keywords for on-page optimization + Titles should be focused on the keyword + Keyword presence in titles + Keywords presence in main content
  5. 5. Keywords for domain optimization + The keyword in the domain or subdomain should be exact match + Increase in CTR within the SERP + Keyword-rich domains, local citations and inbound links
  6. 6. Link-building for on-page optimization + High quality links + Sharable information + True and unique content
  7. 7. Brand awareness in domain optimization + Remember: Google is not brand-biased, and it will never be + Brands are being displayed much better for any kind of quer + Google is increasing the attention to brand-related factors and metrics
  8. 8. Domain authority + Domain authority is a major factor + This gives advantage over competitive websites + Create content with more exact phrases relevant will help
  9. 9. 411 Locals - Your partner in online success BBB A+ rating Company Official Google partner 33 000+ clients Contact us: www.411locals.com

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