411 Locals Advertising Agency Las Vegas

411 Locals News is a blog, related to 411 Locals Internet Advertising Agency, Las Vegas. This is a non-official blog with main purpose to post news and comments for the company and from the world of SEO and WEB design.
The content will be generated from 411 Locals employees, volunteers and guests.

вторник, 8 март 2016 г.

TIP from 411 Locals: Hot to get better ranking from URLs

411 Locals: Getting better ranking and usability from URLs

  1. 1. 411 Locals: Getting Better Ranking and Usability from URLs By 411 Locals
  2. 2. URLs are of key importance to rankings + Clear and well-structured + Intuitive URLs + Accurately defined URL
  3. 3. Whole new world of benefits + User Experience + Site Maintenance + Content Management + Offline Marketing
  4. 4. Tree-like relationship between pages + Category URLs + Sub-category URLs + Additional Sub-category URLs
  5. 5. Key Takeaways + Your website’s structure will determine its future + Clarity and readability are very important for any URL structure + Think about what will be the most convenient way for your users to browse the website.
  6. 6. 411 Locals - Your partner in online success + BBB A+ rating + Official Google partner + 33 000 + clients Contact us: www.411locals.com

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