411 Locals Advertising Agency Las Vegas

411 Locals News is a blog, related to 411 Locals Internet Advertising Agency, Las Vegas. This is a non-official blog with main purpose to post news and comments for the company and from the world of SEO and WEB design.
The content will be generated from 411 Locals employees, volunteers and guests.

понеделник, 14 март 2016 г.

411 Locals is asking you: What is a static IP address?

411 Locals would like to ask you: Did  you ever wonder what is a IP address? If yes, just check this educational video., created for you by 411 Locals.

This is an Internet protocol Address or IP, is a unique number assigned to every device in a network. Just as a street address determines where the letter should be delivered. An IP address identifies devices on the internet. Network devices use IP addresses to communicate with each other.

When a device is signed a static IP address it does not change. In this case, the device has always the same IP address. Most devices use dynamic IP addresses which are re-signed by the network when they connect.This IP addresses are temporary and can change over time.

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