411 Locals Advertising Agency Las Vegas

411 Locals News is a blog, related to 411 Locals Internet Advertising Agency, Las Vegas. This is a non-official blog with main purpose to post news and comments for the company and from the world of SEO and WEB design.
The content will be generated from 411 Locals employees, volunteers and guests.

четвъртък, 4 август 2016 г.

4 Mistakes That Make Your WordPress SEO Inefficient

You're convinced that your writing talent and impeccable design skills will make your WP blog the next big thing? You think that covering viral topics, finding awesome images and using the social media to spread the word is all that it takes?
Running a blog like 411Locals takes more than the aforementioned efforts. Small WordPress details can cast a big shadow – you can boost the rankings of your posts or on the contrary, lose the advantage and remain unnoticed. More often than not, it is all about ignoring opportunities. Here are the WP features that you shouldn't miss:

Ignoring XML Sitemap

As Google clearly indicates, sitemaps are telling the search engine which pages to crawl. Moreover, not using a sitemap means that some of your site's pages can remain undiscovered. Sitemap's features allow you as a webmaster to point out how often you update your pages. This works well for relatively new sites and ones with too few backlinks pointing towards them. Building and updating a sitemap is quick and automated. The usual options are those two plugins: Google XML Sitemaps and WordPress Seo by Yoast.

Ignoring Categories And Tags

Categories and tags are usually referred to as taxonomies. Their role is to increase engagement and traffic. The wrong use of taxonomies makes your WP site less user-friendly. The cause is that basically a site category works as a table of content and tags are the site's index. Taxonomies also give a good impression of the keywords that are important to your site.

Ignoring Canonical URL Defining

Instead of awaiting Google to determine which version of your page is meant to index and rank, you can deal with this problem by setting a canonical URL. It is a simple process that requires three steps: telling WP what URL represents your site; setting the URL as you want it in the options of Google Search Console; use WordPress Seo by Yoast to set each and every canonical URL of your site;

Ignoring The CTR Features Of Your Posts

To make sure that users see where your post is only half the job done. The rest is to suggest what they are going to see by telling Google how to describe it. You can optimize the latter easily by using a plugin like Add Meta Tags or the well-known WordPress SEO by Yoast. Those plugins give you control of the content that appears on the results page. It is all about the titles and the description of your page. Creating a custom meta title will put a text that will be displayed on the SERPs in place of any headline you choose for the post onsite. In addition, making your description more than a random combination of sentences will lead to a better click-through rate.

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